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Image by Tim Mossholder

Guidance Packages


These packages serve the purpose of introducing you to the magic of your unique human design and the one on one guidance to navigate the aspects of your life you find the most challenging, or the aspects of yourself that need affirming and empowerment.


Please click on the links in order to view what is offered!


I am currently booking 7 to 10 days out.


What I will need from you:

(there will be a form to fill out when you purchase)

  • your date of birth, location of birth, and time of birth

  • your person's date of birth, location of birth and time of birth (for relationship/twinflame sessions only)



Human Design Intro Package

If you really want to understand how your unique energy works and how to live into it, this package is for you.


Embody Your Abundance

If you really want to understand how to be fluid with your most natural flow of abundance, this package is for you.

Image by Fadi Xd

Listen To Your Heart

If you really want to understand how to experience more love in your life, this package is for you.


Live Into Your Purpose

If you really want to understand how to embody your purpose, this package is for you.


Dynamic Relationship Package

If you really want to understand an important relationship in your life, this package is for you.

Image by Mathieu Stern

Discovering You


If you know you want to lean into more but you're not really sure what you want, this package may be perfect for you!

© 2023 Candi Wishman, Psychic Intuitive

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