I honestly don't even know where to start with this because we have a lot going on at this time and we are all just waiting for the things we feel, sense, and know to manifest in the physical.
We have the second full moon in Capricorn in a few days, Mars going into Gemini, and I think even Mercury Retrograde creeping up on us. The alchemy of this time is almost indescribable, but I'm gonna try anyways. lol
I want to start with the accumulative energy first and then I'll touch a little on this full moon and mars stuff - because it's intense but a really good thing for us all. Change is a hard pill to swallow for some reason lol
Externally we are leaning into distraction so you might find yourself distracted a lot or even the urge to be distracted. I feel we are meant to recognize where we are trying to distract ourselves and what we are trying to distract ourselves from, without judgement. To see the innocence in our response to uncomfortable feelings or energies, and lean into that. The more enriching the experience, the more we can expand our conscious awareness.
The amount of times I reach for my phone is very noticeable to me, wanting to distract myself from what I'm feeling in regard to what I'm witnessing or around in the moment. I don't know if it's because I'm not sure I can handle what I'm sensing or if I just don't want to handle it but seeing the innocence in the transaction (or my reaction to it) definitely provides a more enriching experience over all. It allows me to expand on what I'm sensing and learn more about myself.
Taking a moment to just say, what is it I'm avoiding? Do I need to move myself out of the environment or the experience or do I just need to shift my perception of it? Do I need to do anything or do I just need to let it move through? Letting yourself lean in a little allows you to explore things in a different way. And sometimes it's ok to be distracted - especially if it's not something you need to trouble yourself with. But if you're trying to distract there may be a reason for it.
Internally we are dealing with a little bit of self-obsession however that may show up for you. I don't know anyone who doesn't worry about their looks, what they eat, if they are healthy or not, at least 5 times a day if not more. What we are exposing right now is our conditioning around our looks and our relationship with our body. It's complicated and oversaturated with information we've been inundated with our whole lives. But, I feel if we can be vulnerable and honest with ourselves, we can shift into letting ourselves be a little more natural and really let ourselves be loved as we are.
Lean into the beliefs you have about supporting your body or what you've been taught about food, and physical activity and trying to control how you look. If it creates anxiety, there may be something to release there.
It's not lost on me where my focus goes when I look in the mirror or pass by my reflection. I look at the flaws and the things that need fixing. I wouldn't say I'm obsessive but it's something I, almost, instinctively do - like a repetitive motion or knee jerk reaction. One day, I know I will look in the mirror and see the beauty in me, it happens once an a while now, but the deep conditioning around being critical of my appearance is still very strong.
In my vulnerability, I allow myself to witness the criticism and be gentle with myself anyways. I'm honest with myself about how I feel I look and why I feel that way and acknowledge the sometimes deep anger and pain that comes with that. It's in that, that I allow myself to feel compassion for where I'm at and what I've been through. To look at my body and know it's the accumulation and representation of my trauma is a difficult pill to swallow even though I know it does not discern my value or worthiness of love and respect. The feeling is still real. The difference is that now, I no longer feel pressured to "fix" it as if controlling my diet or physical movement will change all that. No doubt it can help but it's not the relief I'm actually seeking.
At the core, we are seeking full acceptance of who we are for where we are. The good news is that it can start with us, in little definitive ways of just accepting ourselves first.
Honestly, if you take anything from the article, understand that we are in very chaotic times that can't be controlled or managed, but if you're like me and cerebral in your understanding take the time to learn about yourself and gain some awareness. Otherwise, just enjoy the ride because these are big, big, shifts.
Additional Supportive Energies
Timeline Jump
I saw soo soo many videos in the past 2 days speaking to how we made a timeline jump. What I feel (and this is just what I'm perceiving and have received information wise) is that we made the jump a while back and we are starting to feel physically and witness the physical manifestation of said timeline jump.
Timeline jumps are amazing for us because they allow us to naturally flow into the best path for our experiences here.
You know how we used to repeat patterns and cycles, that's because timelines created with old energy were still a path we could take as we walked through life and we would naturally take the paths that felt the most familiar to us whether we realized it or not. But, the old timelines have been closing out for good, which means we can repeat the old stuff anymore no matter how much we think we will. When the lower frequency or old timelines close out, the higher frequency new timelines merge and set us on a direct course that we can't mess up.
I do feel in this new timeline, the Universal energy is responding more to our conscious energy versus our subconscious energy (let me know if you want to know more about this in the comments below).
Mars in Gemini
Mars in Gemini might make things feel a little more brain and thought oriented but it also has the devil may care kind of vibe. If you ever want to provoke a stimulating conversation or social environment - inject a Gemini into the mix.
The desire to put ourselves out there and connect with people and maybe even thrive a little in the chaos will be felt. Make no mistake, we are already in the chaos lol We are just learning to live into it in whatever way we need.
Big ideas and big execution comes to mind. For those of you with Gemini placements lean into where they show up in your natal chart to see how this is going to help create movement for you. I have a Gemini Venus, Midheaven, and Part of Fortune, so this will be a very stimulating time for my status in the world, my love life perhaps, or even how I want the engage in the world or put myself out there. I could say career but I'm not feeling that personally - but if you have similar placements you may just feel that way.
Full Moon in Capricorn
This moon is here to help everyone close out chapters in their life. The way it will affect people will be different for everyone. But I feel like it's akin to where (if you've been on this ascension journey for more than a couple years) it's like you can feel something changing but then there's a detour or rerouting of some kind because there are more lessons to learn. I feel like that's done. I feel like there are no more paths to circumvent the forward movement. How we experience our lessons and our evolution will be very different.
Major life shake ups, break ups and shifts. That's the only way I can describe this. What's funny is that I don't actually think they are "bad" for a lot of us but I couldn't deny how much I fear good change too. Like the fear that I might actually get what I want... why is that so scary? lol tell me I'm not alone in that! Illuminating the limitations you're releasing and letting go of comes to mind.
Any delay of our dreams is now over and I definitely feel like we are in for a wild ride, so buckle up and enjoy yourself. You're not going to worry about tomorrow if you're having fun on a rollercoaster.
Let the things close out that have no business taking up energy in your life and lean into what feels good if you can. Let the full moon do her job and clear it all out for you. You can be practical about this and do some kind of ceremony for yourself or in participation with others, but it won't be necessary. This a hard close and nothing can interfere with that.
So, if you're like me, and you've been waiting for change to come even if it scares you a little, it's time.
xo Candice
Specials This Week:
(Patreons get 15%off)
(click on the link to go to the special - I am once again offering story feed readings on Instagram so I will offer the picture and text in-between readings on there)
Intuitive Recorded Readings:Â Full Moon in Capricorn (Individual + Divine Connection)
Human Design + Astrology Special:Â Mars in Gemini (scroll to the bottom)