The wonkiness of this new moon in Cancer, the wet blanket, the dampening of our spirit so to speak, has it's purpose but boy oh boy does it have an impact on the mind and how we view our experience. I wanted to share with you a little discovery I made about this last new moon before I get into this cycle's energy. Normally when the new moon is upon us, the new moon and the sun are at the exact same degree in the same sign. When it's the full moon, the moon and the sun are at the exact same degree but in opposite signs.
But not this new moon. This new moon was at 21 degrees when the sun was at 14 degrees. They were not playing in the same sandbox. The next full moon is at 29 degrees Capricorn when the sun is at 29 degrees cancer. The next new moon in Leo is at 12 degrees Leo, the sun 12 degrees Leo. Same degree, same sign.
So while I don't know the exact significance of them being 7 degrees away from each other this last moon, but I felt it was worth a mention. We are in a very potent time but no real tangible way to explain what is potent and what will happen with that potency lol
If you're feeling displaced, bored, void-like, know you're definitely not alone and it's the new normal right now.
Mutation + Expansion
the interactions we have with and observe in others
Externally, we are dealing with a failure to close or closure issues. But don't let that fool you into thinking we are about to go another round on the merry-go-round. I'm hearing that very clearly, this is different.
I want to say that we were all emotionally stunted growing up and this whole process of our expansion and our experience has been helping us develop in a way we never got to, but it takes time. And not the kind of time that can be rushed with effort. This a mutative process, the alchemy within us.
This kind of mutation requires some kind of spiritual shock, an epiphany, an experience that leaves you agitated or with a mind blown. While all shocks are good for cracking the barrier of your consciousness, some shocks are more pleasant and awe inspiring than others. Everyone will be experiencing one or the other during this time, in varying degrees.
We are meant to experience these closures that will allow us to expand into our next arena of our experience. They will force allowance, surrender, and maybe even excitement. We fear closure but it's truly the only thing that will let us embody new energy and new experiences.
We are mastering the ability to let go of the energy but hold onto the wisdom. You may be triggered by people and you may be able to recognize the beliefs you hold onto in regard to those beliefs. I'll give you an example.
I saw that someone was charging 175.00 for 30 minutes of service and I was triggered. I felt like there was no one anyone could get what they need in 30 minutes for 175.00. But - and a big BUT - that is just my belief that I'm carrying about money and service. Even though I judged it, that judgment I had showed me how I'm still carrying beliefs about quantifying energy with time and money. And that's something that I get to work through and free up my own energy to shift my beliefs about my own energy. Am I in a space where I feel good charging that? No. Will I ever? I don't know. But I do know that my judgment will dissolve about is as I let go of my lack and scarcity beliefs.
Awareness and acknowledgement is so powerful!
Compassion + Humility
the interactions we have within ourselves with ourselves
During this time we are being guided to become our own leaders from the inside out. It doesn't matter how sensitive you are or how much you're affected by the outside world and environment around you, what matters is how you process it within.
Take the experience, process it, come to your own personal conclusions about it. We are healing the deep separation of right and wrong. The need to be right, the need for someone to be wrong. But life and our experience with it is way to complex and mercurial to have absolutes about it. You can absolutely be right when it comes to you, and it can differ from what someone else feels is right about you. Due to perception and awareness, it will often be different, but worthy of acceptance.
We are all so very emotionally sensitive right now and it's only through compassion that you will find humility. Compassion for yourself first. Humility, in this case, is not about being humbled. There is a condescension to that expression that furthers separation within us. Like we have something to be embarrassed about for going through this life with the capacity to learn. No, this humility is about having enough compassion for yourself that you can have compassion for others and what they are going through.
It's not even something you have to act on or do anything with. You can just be it. We struggle with compassion fatigue if we are unheard, unseen, or under valued. We get taxed out and then we just don't have it in us to be compassionate about what it's like for other people to be, well, other people. So in this energy, lean into yourself.
Lead yourself into a healthier state. Sometimes this will mean disengaging or not participating in energy that takes from you. Leading from the heart isn't about doing anything with anyone else in this case, this is about doing what you need for you and loving yourself into a state of compassion for others. With that compassion, you actually detach any struggle with others because your ability to understand their emotional crisis becomes clear. It's not personal to you, so you don't have to do anything about it.
It's not as easy as it should be but we are here to master these things so our lives can become easier.
Sacrifice + Revelation
the way we can play with energy to manifest right now
This little exercise is less about manifesting and more about clearing a path for physical manifestation. Now with every little manifestation exercise I give you, I want to express that you can manifest instantly, but sometimes there is timing involved. Just trust that everything you do is helping you evolve regardless of the timing of your manifestation.
Imagine your manifestation is just on the other side of a big gnarly thorn filled bush, and you need to carefully cut away or dissolve the bushes to get to the manifestation (whatever it may be). The bush represents beliefs about yourself and your life that impeded the natural flow of energy and the manifestation itself.
Those thorny bushes are the beliefs that used to keep you safe but are now overgrown and creating a blockage of sorts. So with care, with gentleness, your job is to trim them away. This may feel like a sacrifice. And this is probably the only time I feel it's ok to let go of something in order to receive something else. Because even though things coexist all the time, it's hard to see fully with a new perspective when you're still wearing old glasses. You may need to sacrifice what you once believed about yourself and your life in order to fully embody the new life you desire. And let's face it, anything you believe about yourself was projected onto you by other people and their perception of life, so you're not really sacrificing you, it may just feel that way.
Now, you're probably thinking, Candice, how do I know which beliefs are thorny bushes and which ones aren't??? And that would be a great question! So let's get into the exercise.
I want you to lean into these questions. Pay attention to how your body responds, what thoughts come up in your mind, and what emotions are provoked. If your body reacts you may be holding resistance or rejection for some reason. If your thoughts are not positive and supportive, there may be conditioning around receiving. If you feel anything less than excited or joy, there may be something blocking your ability to believe it's possible.
I'll give you an example of what transpired for me lol
I once watched a video that Bashar did, where he explained about the lottery and how to win it. He said buy the ticket, ask to be shifted into the timeline where the ticket you have is the winning ticket, and voila you've won. I believe this is possible, but when I go to do it, I'm terrified that I'll be shifted into a timeline that isn't for my highest light and resonance. That I'll be taken off path. And upon sharing this with my friend Colleen - she was like yes because we are conditioned to belief that if we gain something we will lose something else - light bulb! So while I was aware that I have fear of winning, I didn't know why! I'm afraid I have to lose my highest timeline if I want to win money, but what if winning money is my highest timeline?
What if you won the lottery or received a surprise windfall of money?
What if what you desire showed up today?
What if you witnessed someone else getting their manifestations?
What if you could just snap your fingers and have what you desire?
What if you became wealthy? What does that mean?
What if you could just shift into a better timeline, with no consequences?
What if you could just walk into any store and buy what you wanted?
What if you could book a last minute vacation to anywhere?
What if you no longer needed for anything?
What if you started to live your fairytale life?
All of those questions are designed to bring up the conditioned part of us that wants to shut down anything positive out of fear of disappointment and pain. All you need to do is become aware of the part of you that is doing this, acknowledge it, and decide to let it go for good. You may want to call in your peeps to help you do this!
Here are this week's specials:
(click on the link to go to the special)
Intuitive Recorded Readings:Â Karma + Dharma (both individual and divine connection)
Intuitive Picture + Text:Â Karma + Dharma (both individual and divine connection)
Human Design + Astrology Special:Â Saturn Retrograde (scroll to the bottom)
Lots of love to you,
xo Candice