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Energy Forecast: June 19-24

Writer's picture: candiwishmancandiwishman

In this article, I share with you what we may experience externally, internally, and tangibly - don't worry, I'll explain what all that means.

This is the blog version of what I normally do as a video forecast on YouTube. I feel like this is a great place to share this information with you all. At the end of the article is where I place any special offers I have available at this time.

I use my ability to sense and channel energy, as well as, the transit charts of both Human Design and Astrology. But all you need to worry about is what parts of this article resonate with you at this time and lean into that. Please feel free to heart the article or comment, I always love to know if these are helpful.


Exclusion to Inclusion

This is the energy of our external exchanges at this time. External exchanges are about the interactions we have with the world around us and what those experiences are bringing up for us at this time.

The big energetic push we will experience or witness in others is to break free of any kind of narrowmindedness. Now, this can mean what you think it means, where people have very limited views about things and refuse to shift into a broader perspective.

But it can also show up where people will show you where you are narrowminded when it comes to you and your path. This can come as a response to something that triggers you or it can come as a reflection in the sense that maybe they are behaving in the same way and you can see how you do it too. But, let's break it down with some examples.

So one way you may experience this energy is that you may witness people unable to budge from what they believe to be true - the only thing you can do with that is to accept them for where they are at because they need to believe that for whatever reason that is. Unless you're called to share what you know for you, you may not want to waste your energy trying to convince someone that they aren't seeing the bigger picture.

Another way is that you may witness someone in scarcity or lack or limitation and it might trigger you - it may be showing you where you are limited in some way. If you are triggered it's because their behavior is bringing up what you need to address in you. Or you may have someone bluntly tell you or point out to you where you're being narrowminded. In this case, if this is you, just let yourself reflect and acknowledge and honor what's coming up.

Now, the last way, and probably the way most people will experience this is where you may struggle to believe something is possible for you. Maybe you'll be given an opportunity and your knee jerk reaction is to shut it down or convince yourself why it won't work out. Now, there is a difference between your instincts and intuition telling you something isn't for you and your conditioned brain telling you something isn't for you. Trust your instincts even if you don't have proof - your instincts won't come from logic or a thought process, it's instant and it has a purpose. But if you're in your head (which we do very innocently) about things, you may have been taught to keep yourself small.

Instead of excluding through deductions of logic, let yourself include any possible means for the highest light and resonance.


Emotionally Shifting Compromise

This is the energy of our internal exchanges at this time. Internal exchanges are about the interactions we have with our inner world - our emotions, our thoughts, belief systems, reactions, etc.

So this is a tricky bit because we will gain awareness through our reactions and let's face it, we don't always react well to ourselves. But, your reactions, emotional and otherwise, serve a purpose.

How do you feel about compromise?

It most likely will depend on how you're feeling that day right? I feel like it's that way for me. Sometimes I'm happy to compromise and find balance, sometimes I'm not. Usually I'm not when I'm tapped out and things are imbalanced for me.

Some of you may feel like you have to compromise to keep the peace but that can often be taxing and unsustainable. And in these energies, anything unsustain just cannot be sustained - as silly as that sounds, it's true. So anywhere you're knowingly or unknowingly over compromising you will react to it emotionally in some way. Compromising your beliefs, your truth, your time, your energy, yourself, must be down for the greater good - which includes you.

It does not matter if you're the more evolved or healed or conscious one. You need to give yourself permission to ask for what you need and create the healthy boundaries that create equality for all.

Let yourself feel and let your emotions tell you what you need. If you're meant to compromise in some way it will feel good to you to do so. If makes you feel sad, frustration, anger, resentment - it's not for you to participate in. In accepting yourself and what you need, there is no need to reject you or the other people involved.


Expressing With Conviction

This is the energy of our tangible exchanges at this time. Tangible exchanges are about the way in which we can align with our highest light and resonance at this time and cocreate with Source to bring that alignment into our physical reality.

The two key energies we have during this time is vocal attunement and wonder. Leaning into any curiosity you may have around speaking reality into existence. Now there will be some spiritual overlay from the past where we were taught to be careful what we say because you'll call more of that in but we are so past those times. Expression is important for release and while it used to be inverted where what you unconsciously were doing created something - things have been righted and we just need to live into that. When we are conscious in our expression it makes all the different in the world.

So with that in mind, and with the intention of speaking the things you want to experience into your physical reality - let yourself have fun with it.

Verbally express what you desire and ask the Universe to respond. Then, wait for the response.

You can start with small things like seeing a color, number, or bird. Or you can go big and ask for what you really desire. The trick here is to pay attention to how you feel when you say it. You can be commanding, but also, how you feel is pretty commanding on it's own.


Anchoring in the Soul's Path

The full moon in Capricorn is going to help us anchor in a whole new reality - a heart and soul centered one.

We are blessed with the full moon in Capricorn on June 21, 2025. And with it will come some much needed grounding and anchoring in the new reality we have been creating.

Capricorn is very grounded in it's effort and steadfast in it's approach, so this won't be a fast moving energy but it will be an energy we can rely on and know it's committed to this new future.

Some of the things you can do to be in flow with this energy:

  • open your mind to what your heart desires and ask to have anything interfering with that be released

  • ask for your limiting beliefs to make themselves known so you can restructure them to suit the life you desire

  • ask to be shown what your heart and soul really want for you and be open to however that comes in

  • participate in some kind of ceremony that helps you release any unsustainable energies and anchor stability (in love, money, life)

  • call in Arch Angle Azrael to assist you in closing out old timelines and old soul contracts that are no longer serving - and maybe whatever assistance you need most at this time

I hope you get all you need and then some during this time!

Lots of Love,



Offers This Week

(the links take you to the same place but these are the current offers lol)

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