Repeat this with the karmic person in this situation when you're ready. As we have now surmised they are just a representation of people who have made you feel hurt in the past.
Repeat this with the karmic person in this situation when you're ready. As we have now surmised they are just a representation of people who have made you feel hurt in the past.
Repeat this with the karmic person in this situation when you're ready. As we have now surmised they are just a representation of people who have made you feel hurt in the past.

Twin Flame Course
Understanding yourself is pivotal to your journey but understanding how your connection is actually helping you understand yourself is just as important. Everything that happens in your connection is here to serve your ascension. This is so much more than a fairy tale romance, and the more you shed and open to love, the more you can appreciate that.
I will not be one of those people that will guarantee you union if you do this course, because one, your union is guaranteed from birth and two, no one can guarantee that for you but you and your person.
But I can guarantee that you will find more ease and grace in separation if you do this course. Knowledge is power, and this will allow you to have a deeper understanding of what is happening between the two of you and ease your anxiety and worry.
This course is laced with activation and healing and will empower you and empower your faith in your person and the connection itself.
With this particular release of the course, you will receive bonus content that will help you walk through forgiveness, which is an extremely powerful tool for healing into union.
See more information about what the course includes below.
Packages Available:
Twin Flame Package #1:
Twin Flame Course​
Forgiveness Walkthrough

This particular session is an additional one specifically designed for Twinflames. In this session, we will utilize all the information you discovered about yourself and understand how it affects and plays a role in the connection. As well as how your Divine Counter Part plays a role in all of this for you.
In The Course:
We Talk About:
A little bit of Twinflames 101 (how the energy works between you, etc)
Past lives
Defining the energy between you
Parallels: Childhood, Adolescence + Relationships
Mirroring between you
Reflective trauma and responses
Mapping your triggers
How to witness and understand the interactions between you
How emotional energy is interpreted and interacted with
Dealing with people not on the journey
Sovereignty, Divine Will and Conscious Choice
How you can use the connection to your advantage
Included in the course:
Guided video session for each chapter
Workbooks full of knowledge (each module has it's own PDF work book)
Reflective questions to help you apply the knowledge to your life
Helpful take away information so you can apply the modalities to your life
Meditation: Twin Flame Higher Self Connection
Meditation: Clearing Your Connection