The Jupiter in Gemini transit has everyone's tongues wagging because it's a big bold move for this larger than life planet. And kicking on in Gemini during Gemini season - yowzers. lol I won't touch too much on the astrology aspect of it because while I understand it pretty well, that's not necessarily my wheelhouse and there are lots and lots of articles about it. I'm not really sure I can do this transit justice because it's so expansive and really touches on all aspects of our life. It as a lot to with how we think and the information we receive and truly learning to think for ourselves on a whole other level. The group consensus as a means of validating what is true or not, is really dying out. But, it's so much more than that on an individual level.
I want to share with you my vision for this transit - which started May 25, 2024 and will remain until June 9, 2025 - and how it's helping us expand our communicative and relational consciousness. I want to share with you the gates that are affected and ultimately how that affects you in this energy. Just know that this transit will bring clarity to your perception of yourself, the people around you, and all the exchanges in between. It's time to level up when it comes to awareness of the self and the interpersonal relationships in your life.
Relationships hold such a key part of our foundational structure within the lives we live and depending on what you're meant to expand on - you'll be given the opportunity to perhaps witness yourself or others in order to gain a deeper understanding of what you do or do not want to participate in at this time.
Key Factors:
Get real good at working with your inner authority or your physical as a compass versus the brain
Acknowledge and accept that duality exists and letting yourself witness the duality in you and others gives you a more multifaceted perception of what you're experiencing
We are leaving the all or nothing and it's false sense of safety behind on some level to make room for possibility and flexibility
Honoring your path will become easier but it will require letting go of anything - beliefs or judgements - or sometimes anyone that makes it harder for you to do so
Unconditional love is real and so is the possibility that you can have all you desire and want - learning how to receive beyond belief systems
Anything is possible and this transit is here to help us remember that
Observing the information we are receiving and determining if it really serves us or not
Big movements in shifting our perspective from what we think other's believe to understanding what we believe - focus shifting to the self versus the many
All this while recognizing where our thought processes and consequently the behavior that follows fits into all this
This particular time will be pivotal in breaking through our mental conditioning - the beliefs and behaviors we took on from experiences and others in our early childhood - so that we can inherently think for ourselves and participate in life from this place instead of in the ways that we are expected to.
It may come with some grief and shocking revelations but it will be bolstered by curiosity and and excitement for something new. Gemini is all about being in a multifaceted, inquisitive and quick thinking narrative. So expect that on some level, you will experience this too and a lot of changing of the mind while you pivot to new concepts of reality.
I also love that this is an air sign because so much of our cognition and mental structure needs to be expanded in order to break free of what no longer serves us. Relying solely on our brain to figure things out will no longer serve us moving forward - we need to open to our other senses, our innate wisdom, and our intuition with the brain - in order to teach in new things.
I might do a secondary article because the transiting energy is really fascinating - it's just a lot of information to include in this post too!
If you'd like to learn more about how you can navigate Jupiter in Gemini, please book an intuitive reading with me!

Inner Dialogue
Before I get into the actual transit I want to talk about the inner dialogue. I just recently found out that there are people on this planet that don't have one. They don't have a running diatribe in their heads at any given time of the day. They don't have arguments in their mind. I'm not sure how they do it. As you can tell I'm someone with an inner dialogue. The conversations going on in my head and the way that I think is how I become aware of what is serving me or not.
If my thoughts or expressions in my head become dark or negative - I know I'm entertaining a conditioned part of my life and I can actually shift out of it. So for those of you who have that going on - who argue with people in their heads - who imagine scenarios playing out - pay attention to those during this transit because they will show you where your energy is focused at this time.
For those of you without an inner dialogue it may be harder for you to discern when you're operating from a conditioned place or an authentic one. Pay attention to how you feel. For example, you might believe in something so strongly you want to run with it or hang onto it but it actually brings up anxiety or nervousness for you, or perhaps even makes your physical body react. Or you may feel anxious not doing it - fearing something bad might happen if you don't. You may be entertaining a belief because you've always entertained it and not necessarily because it's something that is serving you.
Belief systems are hard to navigate sometimes but it will be so important to try during this time. You won't mess up or miss out but if you do practice your awareness it will make things a bit easier. And at it's core, this transit is helping us restructure the entire system we were raised in.
If you'd like to understand how your inner dialogue works and how it's affecting you, please feel free to book an intuitive guidance session with me so we can get the root the of issue together!

Jupiter in Gemini Transit
I'm listing these so you can see how you might be affected. I would recommend looking up your chart to see if you have any of these gates manifested (filled in) at the time of your birth as this means you will not only feel the amplified affects of the energy but it's here to help you on your personal path in this life time. Where the planets show up in your chart specifies what Jupiter in Gemini is helping you with at this time.
May 25th - Gate 8 (honoring your unique path)
May 26 - June 19 - Gate 20 (being present in the moment)
June 19 to July 16 - Gate 16 (embodying versatility)
July 16 to Aug 16 - Gate 35 (a hunger for unconditional love)
Aug 16 to Dec 1 - Gate 45 (cocreation with source to end poverty consciousness)
Dec 1 to Jan 26 - Gate 35 (a hunger for unconditional love)
Jan 26 to Feb 9 - Gate 16 (embodying versatility)
Feb 9 to Apr 6 - Gate 35 (a hunger for unconditional love)
Apr 6 to May 6 - Gate 45 (cocreation with source to end poverty consciousness)
May 6 to June 3 - Gate 12 (clear communication)
June 3 to June 9 - Gate 15 (releasing narrow-mindedness)
As you can see Jupiter goes retrograde during this transit, and during the time we are being guided to end poverty consciousness, so fully expect to have time to reflect on what that means and how you can shift that for good. Learning what poverty consciousness means to you and how it shows up is such a game changer for everyone, regardless of their natal chart. We are truly breaking free of the limitations put on our relationship with ourselves and in correlation with that, our relationship with money.
It's not about luck. It's not about worth. It's not about good enough. Just like love, all those things exist for us at any given time. But if you were taught that there are parameters, you're going to operate from those and live that existence.
This transit is breaking down the parameters and letting love into our mental field. And I truly can't think of a more powerful way to do so but with the planet of luck and expansion.
If you'd like to know exactly how the Jupiter in Gemini transit will affect you, please feel free to book a transit reading so I can share your natal chart insight with you!

If you're still with me - thank you so much for tuning in thus far! I hope that this has helped a little and it has given you hope for what's to come.
It does feel very positive even when we will be face with uncomfortable things! We are long over due for this expansion and being able to experience creating our own magic!
Lots of love