Happy Canada Day for those of you that are Canadian, and welcome to July for everyone who reads this! The next few days will be interesting and I don't think it's a bad thing. I really feel we will all be coming into a state of empowerment and really leaning into the flow of our experiences.
Some of you will lean into the softness of your soul and the love that resides there, some of you will be fired up and ready to take of your life, and some of you will do both.
I didn't do a write up for the new moon in Cancer that will be happening on July 5th as I haven't really tapped into it's energy fully. It feels mercurial and hard to fully understand, but it does feel good. It's almost like whatever change it's bringing can't be identified yet because it's still unfolding.
New specials are listed at the bottom of the article! I've changed things up a bit!
A Moody Sense of Control
an externally provoking experience
The tension in transcendence can be and is a real thing for so many on this journey of growth and healing. The pressure to break forth and move beyond your current experience sometimes requires tension. The external experiences - the outside in - may create a tension needed to help you push beyond your current state of flux. And if you can roll with this (even just accepting that you feel the way you feel) will make a huge difference in the transmutation of it all.
People around you are either going to be moody AF, or you're going to be moody AF. But the moodiness is going to come from a place where there is lack of control or a deep need for control. The discontent and rejecting energy comes from an unconscious need to try to control the experience to prevent an even more uncomfortable experience. You may try to find yourself trying to control your own emotions trying to be the better person - but it will for sure make you moody and reactive. You may witness other people losing their ability to control their emotive states.
As hard as this can be sometimes, it's all so necessary - we NEED to let the emotion help us. Not only dissolve any excess energetic crap we are holding onto but to help shift us into a completely different state of being. How does it feel to try and control things? How does it feel when you surrender and stop trying? How does it feel after you've just let it all move through?
The experiences you have during this time are liberating you from a self-limiting narrative. From a place of unknowingly giving your power away to a place of feeling empowered in your life.
Let your reactions liberate you and lean in. I promise you it's worth it.
For me, I have this belief that I have no power in my life (deep, life long experiences of not only giving my power away to people in order to fit in and be accepted, but also believing I wasn't allowed to have. I'll do a post on that one day because I know I'm not the only one) so I keep having this external experiences that favor that narrative.
So the other day, I sat with spirit and I got to work. I let myself express that I was not happy with our arrangement because me waiting patiently and in near panic for spirit to show up, was not cocreation. And I had to sit with all the narratives in my mind wanting to interfere about the fact that this is how spirit is supposed to work and why I'm panicked is because of my beliefs and all that crap and I had to say no - this is my relationship with spirit and I get to go about it in whatever way I need to.
Do you see how the spiritual overlay (the rules taught about spirituality) and my conditioning want to keep me in a self-limiting place? For reference, I pulled a bunch of crystal cards and every one, I mean every single one, referenced that I need to step into my authority and lean in. So I did. I expressed that I want cocreation to be an experience where I am working with spirit and asked spirit to show up. And it did - I asked to be shown that manifestation can be instant. And within 30 minutes, something came through.
In this experience, I realized that I do have the power to create change, but it was my uncomfortable interactions with others that brought me here. It brought me to a place where I just wasn't willing to experience the same thing any more.
I want to be clear, this wasn't about needing to control the situation. This was about understanding what I can do and letting myself live into that. We all have things in our lives that disempower us and make us want to control. But it will allow the liberation of the experience, we can step out of that. And to be clear, everything has it's time. When it's time, you'll move as necessary.
Reorienting Yourself With Self-Love
a cycle of internal shifting
The inner, more intimate energies we will be experiencing at this time are based in a no-nonsense handle on self-love. You will absolutely need to love the shit out of yourself in order to reorient and center. It's so simple and sweet really. When in doubt, reach within, spend time connecting to spirit in whichever way you're guided. This could be journaling, meditation, hiking, etc. Your relationship with Source is as unique with you and so will the way in which you connect.
The vibe of this time period is a little heavy, a little moody, a little Cancer zodiac. So be gentle with yourself. You're meant to connect to a higher power - your innate wisdom, your higher self, your sacred contract with the Universe - in order to regulate your experience.
There is no one outside of you that can give you what you need on this level. Yes, even reading this might help remind you that you have somewhere to turn to, but the comfort comes from the reminder that you are never alone and you have a whole team of beings here to offer you solace.
Remembering the all that you are will help you step out of the distracting energies of separation and comparison that could be more intense than normal and help you regulate and come back to center.
A Childlike Ambition for a Dream
a personal magic inducing experience
I love this so so much! There is not a child out there that doesn't dream and dream bit - without any concept that it couldn't happen. Kids only believe it's not possible when an adult shuts in down either out of their own shitty experience or because they are trying to save the child from disappointment. But, it's time to really flip this on it's head.
You see, your heart and soul is the child, and your inner dialogue is the adult. There is a part of you that is capable of the biggest dream and living into it, and there also a part of you that wants to shut that down because of your shitty experiences and because you're trying to save yourself from disappointment.
What if I told you that you don't have the control the chaos of your dreams? That you just have to let yourself dream it, be aware of where you're trying to interfere out of fear, and be open to take action when something shows up and excites you?
Your dreams are not about survival - you do not need to shelter them or shove them down. They will not hurt you but it's understandable that you might feel that way.
I talked a bit about this before, but in my childhood there was always some unknown force of nature (my parents all of a sudden didn't have the money, or something happened beyond their control) that would rob me of what I was excitedly looking forward to. So I learned to shut my excitement down before I would get hurt by some unforeseen complication. Even to this day, I don't get excited about a trip until I'm on the trip. And this isn't a dig about my parents, they did the best they could with what they understood, it's simply to show you how those experiences can affect our ability to dream as adults.
For this cycle's exercise I want you to play with the idea of dreaming your biggest dream. Imagine a child is telling you about that dream. How can you support that child and encourage them to keep their heart open? Imagine you witness people around this child trying to shut this child's dream down, how would you respond to that?
There is no wrong way, but in this exercise you're learning how to face and counteract your inner dialogue so that you can just let yourself open to the dream. And even more so, believe it's possible.
Maybe even just let yourself express what would really excite you and observe the thoughts and reactions within you that come after that.
Your inner child wants to remind you that even in the "real" world, dreams truly do come true.
Here are this week's specials:
Intuitive Recorded Readings: New Moon in Cancer, Mini Divine Masculine Reading
Intuitive Picture + Text: New Moon in Cancer (both individual and divine connection) Human Design Session: Mini Purpose, Mini Love, Mini Abundance
Thank you so much for reading this far!
Lots of love to you,
xo Candice